Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Infants A Language Arts. Such topics are:
- Speech Skills
- Vocabulary Building
- Reading Techniques
- Comprehension Skills
- Composition etc.
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Infants B Language Arts. Such topics are:
- Speech Skills
- Vocabulary Building
- Reading Techniques
- Comprehension Skills
- Composition etc.
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Infants A Mathematics. Such topics are:
- Number Concepts
- Fractions '
- Problem-Solving
- Measurement
- Money etc.
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Infants B Mathematics. Such topics are:
- Speech Skills
- Vocabulary Building
- Reading Techniques
- Comprehension Skills
- Composition etc.
Classes 1
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 1 Language Arts. Such topics are:
- Speaking
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing: Process
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 1 Mathematics. Such topics are:
- Number Concepts
- Properties of Numbers
- Fractions and Decimals
- Measurement
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 1 Spanish. Such topics are:
- Saludos de mi Familia y Yo
- La Fecha
- Las Partes del Cuerpo
- En el Aula/Salón de Clase
- Nuestros Vecinos del Car ibe
Classes 2
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 2 Language Arts. Such topics are:
- Speaking
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing: Process
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 2 Mathematics. Such topics are:
- Number Concepts
- Properties of Numbers
- Fractions and Decimals
- Measurement
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 2 Spanish. Such topics are:
- Conozca a Otros Miembros de Mi F amilia
- Bienvenido a Mi Casa
- Las Comidas del Día
- En la Granja
- Una Visita al Parqu Zoológico
- La Ropa Básica
- ¿Qué Hora Tienes?
Classes 3
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 3 Language Arts. Such topics are:
- Speaking
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing: Process
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 3 Mathematics. Such topics are:
- Number Concepts
- Properties of Numbers
- Fractions and Decimals
- Ratio and Proportion
- Percentages
- Measurements
- Set Theory etc.
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 3 Spanish. Such topics are:
- La Hora
- En la Escuela
- El Horario
- De Compras
- En el Restaurante
- El Tiempo y las Estaciones
- Otros Países de Habla Hispana
Classes 4
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 4 Language Arts. Such topics are:
- Speaking
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing: Process
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 4 Mathematics. Such topics are:
- Number Concepts
- Properties of Numbers
- Fractions and Decimals
- Ratio and Proportion
- Percentages
- Measurements
- Set Theory etc.
Mode: 1-on-1 or Group Sessions
Medium: Face-to-Face or Online
Sessions will cover all required topics of Class 4 Spanish. Such topics are:
- Una Visita al Médico
- El Estado de Animo, Necesidades y Emociones
- La Entrevista
- Las Casa
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