Academic Link-Edu
1st-3rd Form

1st to 3rd Form syllabi differ based on the school the student attends. As such, during the initial consultation and programme planning stage we ask students to supply their syllabus or the topics they have and will cover in class. 

1st and 2nd Form

English Language

1st-3rd Form Englsih Lanuage

Mode: online and face-to-face

Medium: group or 1-on-1

English Lanuage is the critical study of literature, media and language. They learn how to analyse different interpretations of texts and how to use language modes to achieve specific effects

English Literature

1st-3rd Form English Literature

Mode: online and face-to-face

Medium: group or 1-on-1

Students engage with a variety of texts. They listen to, read, view, interpret and evaluate spoken, written and multimodal texts. These include various types of media texts. Students develop their understanding of how texts, including media texts, are influenced by context, purpose and audience.


1st-3rd Form Mathematics

Mode: online and face-to-face

Medium: group or 1-on-1

Mathematics provides students with essential mathematical skills and knowledge in number and algebra,measurement and geometry, andstatistics and probability.

Computer Studies

1st-3rd Form Computer Studies

Mode: online 

Medium: group or 1-on-1

Computer science isthe study of computers and computational systems. It is a broad field which includes everything from the algorithms that make up software to how software interacts with hardware to how well software is developed and designed.


1st-3rd Geography

Mode: online 

Medium: group or 1-on-1

Geography is a structured study through which students explore, analyse and understand the characteristics of the places that make up our world.


1st to 3rd Form History

Mode: online 

Medium: group or 1-on-1

History is the study of societies, events, movements and developments that have shaped humanity from earliest times.


1st-3rd Form French

Mode: online and face-to-face

Medium: group or 1-on-1

French  involves understanding the cultural dimension of the language. It is an intercultural language learning orientation to enable students to participate meaningfully in intercultural experiences, to develop new ways of seeing and being in the world.


1st-3rd Form Spanish

Mode: online and face-to-face

Medium: group or 1-on-1

Geography is a structured study through which students explore, analyse and understand the characteristics of the places that make up our world.

Integrated Science

1st to 3rd Form Integrated Science

Mode: online 

Medium: group or 1-on-1

Integrated Science allows students to develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge, of science’s contributions.

3rd Form

The list of 3rd Form subjects includes those listed in the 1st-2nd From section and the subjects listed below. 

Coding and Robotics

1st-3rd Form Coding and Robotics

Mode: online 

Medium: group or 1-on-1

The Coding and Robotics is aimed at guiding and preparing students to solve problems, think critically, work collaboratively and creatively, function in a digital and information-driven world, apply digital and ICT skills and to transfer these skills to solve everyday problems and its possibilities.


1st-3rd Physics

Mode: online 

Medium: 1-on-1

Physics is the study of nature at its most fundamental level. It deals with matter, light and energy and their interactions on all scales from the tiniest particles inside the atomic nucleus to the forces that give rise to the structure of the universe.


1st-3rd Chemistry

Mode: online and face-to-face

Medium: group or 1-on-1

Chemistry is the study  of the substances of which matter is made up of, the analysis of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new organic substances.


1st to 3rd Form Biology

Mode: online 

Medium: group or 1-on-1

Biology is the study of living organisms and how these interact with each other and their environments.