Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Accounting. Such topics are:
- Accounting Theory, Recording and Control Systems
- Preparation of Financial Statements
- Financial Reporting and Interpretation
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Animation and Gaming Design. Such topics are:
- Animation and Game Design
- Drawing and Layout
- Story and Character Development
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Applied Mathematics. Such topics are:
- Collecting and Describing Data
- Managing Uncertainty
- Analysing and Interpreting Data
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Biology. Such topics are:
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Genetics, Variation and Natural Selection
- Reproductive Biology
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Chemistry. Such topics are:
- Fundamentals in Chemistry
- Kinetics and Equilibria
- Chemistry of the Elements
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Communication Studies. Such topics are:
- Gathering and Processing Information
- Language and Community
- Speaking and Writing
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Computer Science. Such topics are:
- Programming
- Problem-Solving with Computers
- Computer Architecture and Organisation
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Economics. Such topics are:
- Distribution Theory
- Market Structure, Market Failure and Intervention
- Methodology: Demand and Supply
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Entrepreneurship.
Such topics are:
- Creativity and Innovation
- The Entrepreneurial Process
- The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Environmental Science.
Such topics are:
- Fundamental Ecological Principles
- Human Population and the Environment
- Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Financial Services.
Such topics are:
- Introduction to Financial Products and Services
- Portfolio Management and Investment
- Governance, Regulations, and Ethics
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 French.
Such topics are:
- L’individu, la famille et la vie journalière
- La société et les affaires sociales
- L’environnement
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Geography.
Such topics are:
- Population and Settlement
- Hydrological, Fluvial, Coastal and Limestone Environments
- Natural Events and Hazards
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 History.
Such topics are:
- Freedom in Action
- Slave Systems: Character and Dismantlement
- Indigenous Societies
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Information Technology.
Such topics are:
- Fundamentals of Information Technology
- Information Technology Systems
- Information and Problem-Solving
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Law.
Such topics are:
- Criminal Law
- Principles of Public Law
- Caribbean Legal Systems
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Literatures in English.
Such topics are:
- Prose Fiction
- Poetry
- Drama
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Management of Business.
Such topics are:
- Business and its Environment
- The Management of People
- Business Finance and Accounting
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Physics.
Such topics are:
- Mechanics
- Oscillations and Waves
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Matter
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Pure Mathematics.
Such topics are:
- Basic Algebra and Functions
- Trigonometry, Geometry and Vectors
- Calculus I
Mode: online
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Sociology.
Such topics are:
- Sociological Concepts, Perspectives and Methods
- Social Institutions: Family, Religion, Education
- Social Stratification
Mode: online and face-to-face
Medium: 1-on-1 and group
Sessions will cover all required topics of Unit 1 Spanish.
Such topics are:
- El individuo, la familia y la vida diaria
- La sociedad y los asuntos sociales
- El medio ambiente
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